


努力帮助实现一个可持续发展的社会, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group places considerable importance on contributions to solving social issues and corporate growth as well as management’s ability to sustain business, 创造利润, 并为解决社会问题做出贡献.
注重培养员工为解决社会问题做出贡献的能力, we provide education that enables them to think in ways that connect to management’s ability to sustain business and 创造利润 in a bid to develop products to enhance sustainability and expand related markets.

  • 02-10



除了通过员工在当前职位上的经验来促进他们的成长, 十大赌博娱乐平台提供教育,培养解决问题的意识和采取行动的能力.
在知识教育之上, 通过让十大赌博娱乐平台的员工带头以解决社会问题为前提的活动(=可持续发展目标), we are working to transform the consciousness of our employees while encouraging a change in behavior through 活动 (=SDGs contribution 活动) that improve the ability to contribute to solving social issues.

  • 11-15

Schematic view of education to increase the Group’s ability to contribute to solving social issuescontribute to solving social issues

提高解决社会问题的能力, 集团认为,提高其知识和行动水平非常重要, 哪些被组织成四种知识和四种行动,共八类. 十大赌博娱乐平台正在推进补短板、扩强的教育和活动, 并确认这些知识和行动能力是如何通过教育得到提高的, 活动, 以及其他项目.

  • 08-13


Approach Toward Education for Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues in the 环境al Medium-term Plan


目前的中期管理计划被定位为提高认识的投入阶段, 理解, 行动, 并为每个社会问题产生结果. 确认此输入阶段的效果后, 采取了从教育阶段向发展阶段过渡的步骤. 这需要意识到, 参与策划, 知道, 理解, 考虑, 并在社会和环境问题上采取行动, 同时创造出解决问题的产品和服务. 通过这个过程, we have fostered human resources that can produce results and help solve social and environmental issues through their business and 活动.
从下一个中期管理计划开始, 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续提供教育,以灌输社会问题的知识和信息为基础, while further enhancing education on the developmental stage to create products and services that are capable of providing solutions.


Current Medium-term Management Plan (2020-2022): Identify and improve the benchmark for the ability of human resources to contribute to the solving of social issue by 10 points


Education promotion system for improving the ability to contribute to solving social issues in the current Medium-term Management Plan

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group promotes education to enhance the ability of employees to contribute to solving social issues while conducting the following PDCA cycle.

  • 计划:
    在2050年长期环境管理愿景的基础上阐述集团对人力资源的愿景, 为实现这一愿景设定里程碑, 并构建必要的教育体系,以增强知识和行动能力.
  • Do:
    定期计划和实施教育项目(包括教育小册子), 电子学习的机会, 由外部讲师领导的在线研讨会)基于教育系统.
  • 检查:
    创建一个人力资源意识指标,作为个人进步的粗略衡量标准, 从而确定员工解决社会问题所需要的知识和行动的现状, 并鼓励个人进行自学. 十大赌博娱乐平台从2021财年开始应用这一指标.
    使用这个指示器, we periodically conduct the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review to measure the ability of employees to contribute to solving social issues. This indicator allows us to identify strengths and weaknesses in knowledge and 行动s related to social and environmental issues, 并确定解决社会问题的能力的增长.
  • 行动:
    基于解决社会问题能力评估的结果, 十大赌博娱乐平台发现期望和现实之间的差距, 以及计划和实施教育项目来加强薄弱环节. 此外, we will reflect the results of this review when constructing the education system under the next Medium-term Management Plan.

We will continue to enhance the ability to contribute to solving social issues through education in an ongoing manner while conducting a PDCA cycle that utilizes the human resource awareness indicator.

  • 10-02




十大赌博娱乐平台创建了一个人力资源意识指标,作为个人进步的粗略衡量标准, 从而确定员工解决社会问题所需要的知识和行动的现状, 并鼓励个人进行自学. 十大赌博娱乐平台从2021财年开始应用这一指标.
2021财年, 集团确定了一个基准,并设定了在2022财年将这一基准提高10个百分点的目标. We also conducted a semi-annual review survey to measure the ability that employees in Japan need to contribute to solving social issues to support the basis of LIFE and continuously create peace of mind for the future in a bid to realize a sustainable society.
尽管这篇综述依赖于自我评估, by periodically questioning our employees’ own awareness of the extent to which they are familiar with knowledge and whether they take 行动 that helps solve issues, we were successful in measuring the degree to which self-awareness regarding contributions to solving social issues has increased. 随着自我意识的增强, we are confident that employees will act with an awareness of their contribution to solving social issues as part of their work.
根据2022财年的这一指标, we were again able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in knowledge and 行动s taken with regard to social and environmental issues. 结果是, we implemented effective human resources development by promoting educational programs that reinforce weaknesses and develop strengths.

以个人责任和义务为基础, 高层管理人员和中层管理人员总体上实现了他们的目标. 另一方面,普通员工却没有达到要求.
而知识点提高了, 行动点没有, 说明行为上的改变有问题.
根据这些调查结果, we will plan and implement education and training that promote changes in behavior through programs based on job classifications in accordance with responsibilities and duties under the next Medium-term Management Plan.


定义 Calculated the response results of employees who responded to the questionnaire survey out of all SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group employees in Japan.
在划分为高层管理人员(董事和执行人员)后,将职责列成表格。, 中层管理人员, 和一般雇员, 基于人事信息.
计算方法 知识,行动:通过加权分配给每个问题选择的分数
计算范围 在日本娱乐大发澳门赌博平台所有员工中回答问卷调查的员工


  • 05-03
  • 实施教育补短板
    In 2022, we conducted programs to reinforce low-scoring areas (weaknesses) identified in the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review undertaken for employees in Japan.

关于气候变化和资源回收的新闻经常在报纸和互联网上报道. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group distributed details of current environment-related topics to inform employees about what measures are effective in solving these environment-related issues.
We introduced various initiatives undertaken by domestic and overseas companies to help employees learn about current environmental issues and think about solutions.

分布 主题 Details
第一个 有价值资源的工业回收利用 了解循环经济
第二个 关注可再生资源 资源,以取代有限的资源,在枯竭的危险
  • 10-03


在2022年上半年进行的“为解决社会问题作出贡献的能力”评估中, the score for awareness toward external evaluations and the social responsibilities to be fulfilled as a leading company tended to be low. 来强化这个弱点, we conducted an e-learning program using a role-playing and case study format to inform employees of how to look at external evaluations and better understand the Company’s social responsibility.

  • 10-04


  • 10-11
  • 10-12
  • 为解决社会问题做出贡献的能力,2022财年评估平均水平

  • 集团平均水平(知识、行动)

  • 10-13
